Originally Posted by SvilleKid
Go south about 30 minutes to Murrells Inlet. Eat at the Dead Dog Saloon on the board walk. They almost always have a band, and specials! Very good wings, IMO. Looks like some cool happenings and a parade Tuesday night. Check it out on their website:
And they also have the most awesome shrimp & grits I've had anywhere.

It was either there or Drunken Jacks.
Oh, and on the way back out of Murrells Inlet, just as you're about to turn right onto 17N, there's a sketchy ranch style house with a huge neon CIGARS sign in the window. I guess it's a B&M, and was always curious but have never stopped in. Give it a shot, Ben! You might find some great selections, or you might end up buried underneath some psycho's patio.