Originally Posted by kelmac07
Don't have me drive from Petersburg, Va to Norfolk, Va because you claim to have the latest PDR 1878 Dominicana Reserva (the red one right???) and I arrived to find you don't have a clue what the hell I am talking about...when you bring out the PDR 1878 Capa Maduro (black label).
I remember when that happened and you told the Thursday herfers about it, I think that was the first time I got to witness "Angry Mac"

Good points all around...
Personally my biggest issue is when the shop workers follow you into humidor (I get why they do that though) then proceed to recommend a cigar not knowing anything about me. Then when I completely ignore everything you say, because it's obvious you just want rid of your junk stock, and I take a WHOLE 5 minutes to pick some things ... don't make a snide comment about "I wondered if you were ever gonna find something"