Hey guys, voice from the past here
With all the life changes, I haven't participated much on CA for quite a while, but I keep an eye on this thread periodically. I'll be back actively participating for sure one of these days, when I get a little more time

Anyway, I thought I'd weigh in on this thread and give you my perspective on how this is going. I just got off the phone with Colin's developer, walking through some of the details of getting the updated cigar info into the online database. Sounds like they are working hard to keep improving the app. As I've told Colin, I remain
very interested in keeping this alive and well, so have offered to work with them as much as needed to help them in any way I can. They are really great guys to work with, and I look forward to the improvements they continue to make.
As for the issue of having to completely reinstall (and buy) Colin's version, that really is a tough issue that Apple has not provided any way around. I know that Colin tried very hard to make it more of a seamless transition, but ran into limitations that he couldn't help.
I am confident that his heart was, and is, in the right place on this. As Colin has said, those with my original version of the app will still continue to get reference cigar updates (lots of them are on the way shortly!!), so hopefully you still feel that you got good value from the original purchase. I have re-purchased the new version myself, and will continue to support them, and really hope others do as well. I know the effort it takes to build and maintain the app
I'm really glad to see the folks on CA still enjoying Mobile Stogie, and for the (as always) constructive feedback that you guys provide. Based on recent conversations, I remain confident that I did the right thing in passing this to somebody who has the time and commitment to keep it alive, and improving the app as well. Hope you all continue to enjoy it.
Now, let me go finish up this awesome PSP1, the first one from my newly acquired ceramic jar