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Old 03-05-2011, 03:10 PM   #26
Cigar & Beer Geek
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Cohiba AirForce (Served With Honor)
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Default Re: Vacation In Washington DC

I Lived in Washington DC for a year when I was in the Air Force. I was Stationed at Bolling AFB. I Enjoyed it.. I didnt have a car there, and i used the Metro all the time. Get the extended passes When i was there they had a week Pass, I think it was 20/30 bucks for a week pass. Tour the Pentagon. Its really neat. The Metro goes right too it. Also if you get a chance Write a Letter to a State Senator telling them you are going to DC and when, and that you'd like to Tour the White House. You have to be recommended by a senator in order to get a tour.

Also The Metro you can get to the Mall (Smithsonian) Also easy access to anywhere as long as you dont mind doing some walking.

I was in the Presidential Honor Guard when I was there. And I was Privileged to see alot of neat stuff. Stay away from the South East Side of DC Over near where Bolling AFB is.
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