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Old 03-04-2011, 05:40 PM   #2
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Default Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?

In no particular order
Bruce Willis
Samuel L Jackson (seriously who wouldn't watch Sam Jackson in ANY role)
Robert De Niro
Edward Norton
Matt Damon
Kevin Spacey
Liam Neeson
Marlon Brando (Godfather, Apocalypse now, haven't seen much else)
Al Pacino
Harrison Ford
Joe Pesci
Mel Gibson (I don't care what he does in his personal life)
Russell Crowe (some hit some miss, but when they are good...awesome movies)
Christian Bale
Morgan Freeman
Sean Connery
Nicolas Cage (same rule applies as Crowe)
Ed Harris
Clint Eastwood
Gary Oldman
Jack Nicholson

Angelina Jolie
Carla Gugino

I'm probably missing a few but there's a LONG list.
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