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Old 03-04-2011, 02:12 PM   #337
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Default Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

After recently being gifted a little pipe tobacco, I picked up the old habit.
I couldn't find my pipe from years ago ( I swear its somewhere in this house...)
I picked up a little cheapie cob and then....
I bought these...

All three for under $60.00 off of eBay. All unsmoked, new old stock.
The top is a unmarked cob with a filter in the stem??
The middle is a Brigham #329, but the web site shows a smooth finish, mine is older??
The bottom is a Missouri Meerschaum.
I'll use the cobs at work, that way I won't be too upset if they get screwed up.
The Brigham will get burned in as soon as it stops raining...

So how did I do??
Darryl, SOB...
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