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Old 03-01-2011, 05:10 PM   #29
Suck It
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Default Re: CAO Criollo-Ghadaffi bites the dust

It comes down to whether or not you value your membership here more than your right to slip into politics.
A lot of people come here and go, "Man this place is GREAT! It's NOTHING like all those forums filled with
seething A-Holes flinging their poo at every little thing and accusing everyone of being a troll. Well oddly enough,
the forum did not get that way because it was a secret or that only cool people sign up here. It came to be
based on an idea, an idea that is not easy to uphold. One way to ensure it stays the best on the web is to
have easy to understand rules that are enforced by the CA equivalent of rough men with guns.
Like the man said before, if a few people comment on it, it is generally understood to be close. TOO Close??
That's for the moderators to decide, but once they do, it will be swift with no recourse, lol.


Check HERE: , post #29. I made what was deemed
in two succeeding posts to be a religious statement. (rule breakage) I did not argue about it, it died a quick death because
whether or not I thought I was right or wrong, I knew that it was best to drop the subject, since I may have violated the
spirit of the rule. MAN did I have more to say, but it was said in private.

Last edited by OLS; 03-01-2011 at 05:18 PM.
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