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Old 02-28-2011, 10:12 AM   #4
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Default Re: Happy International Rare Disease Day!!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Clicked the link, Scott, every little bit helps.

I am guessing my syphillis isn't considered rare.
Well, I think a verneral disease implies that you have had to "Shack-up"... in which case, I'm not sure that a douchebag such as yourself does that often or not... so perhaps it is rare Tom. How often would you say this activity occurs? Haha

Just teasin'.

Linked and done. Good luck to all with rare diseases. I'm fortunate to only have one rare disease and it's hereditary... it's called plurrhea... it's only symptom is that everything I eat turns to poo. So it's quite managable.
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