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Old 02-28-2011, 12:53 AM   #10
Habanos Apologist
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Default Re: Waste money on Tobacco??

That whole article is kind of meaningless and asinine. What constitutes waste? While I agree with their point that most Americans are overleveraged, and that spending money you don't have on luxuries is terribly irresponsible, i think that if you have good income and enough savings and property to be reasonably secure in your future, then there is absolutely nothing wasteful about spending some of your liquid assets and enjoying your money. That article presupposes that money is a useful and desireable thing in and of itself. Wrong. IMO, If you plan well, you should die having lived life to the fullest and left your family self sufficient and comfortable. Dying a billionaire doesn't mean anything if you had to starve yourself of all of life's little pleasures to get there. Once you've taken care of the basic necessities, provided for your family, prepared for the future and left a cushion for unexpected emergencies, spending your money on experiences or the finer things in life is the best possible use for it. The only problem is that a lot of people seem to have forgotten about the first part of that statement.
"Eventually, however, every ash must drop. And the drop usually is as sudden as it is final."
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