Ten Things Americans Waste the Most Money On.
NUMBER 9 = Tobacco
> Annual Amount Spent Per Household: $380
> % of Total Annual Expenses: 0.8%
The average household spends more than $380 each year on tobacco products and smoking supplies, which includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and chewing tobacco. It is worth remembering that this average includes households where no one pays for tobacco products. Despite this fact, tobacco’s portion of the average household’s budget, 0.8%, is larger than what Americans spend on fresh fruit and milk combined. A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day in New York state will spend more than $4,000 a year, which is roughly 10% of the average American income before taxes.
#8 Entertainment..Hunting, Fishing, Sporting Equip. etc etc...
#7 Alcohol
#4 Pets....
Looks like a lot of the slopes we are on, some consider a waste...??

Read more: Ten Things Americans Waste the Most Money On - 24/7 Wall St.