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Old 02-22-2011, 10:04 AM   #507
The Homebrew Hammer
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Default Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermeter?

Originally Posted by rack04 View Post
As soon as all the parts for my mash tun arrive I will brew BierMuncher Centennial Blonde. I have it on good authority that this is a good light ale for summer drinking pleasure. Plus it costs $18.87 to brew 5 gallons of beer which equates to approximately $0.36 per 12 ounce beer.
I have brewed this a number of times and can attest that it's a very good beer. icantbejon's wife loves it, and she's not much into homebrew. It's just as good if you leave out the Vienna malt, which I've done when I overlooked it in the recipe

Bottled my light American ale test batch last night--tasted a little like a cross between Rolling Rock & Sam Adams ale. Not my favorite style, but it's experimental for some non-craft brew drinking friends.

Tonight I'm racking my Hopslam clone, adding the honey and salvaging the yeast. Had good, steady fermentation for almost a full week, I'm really pleased at how well the yeast performed considering I cultivated it from the bottle dregs!

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