Originally Posted by sammyboy405
Weird cause
Cigars Intl. Takes paypoop why is pay-pal a censored word? Hope im not getting in trouble for talking about paypoop. lol
Not really, they're covering their butt for the liability of you possibly selling to someone underage. CI requires you to be 21 and has been known to request a copy of people's drivers license.
From CI:
"NOTE: Cigars International does not sell cigars to anyone under the age of 21.
Cigars International does not sell cigarettes of any kind. If you are under 21 years old, please do not enter our site. "
From P*yP*l:
"What types of tobacco products does ****** prohibit?
We don’t allow transactions for most tobacco product because of the legal requirements and industry regulations for online tobacco sales.
This includes:
* Cigarettes
* Smokeless tobacco
We may allow transactions related to Cigars but you must get prior permission from ****** and agree to certain terms and conditions. "