Remember everyone one can not say it is FOR SURE a vendor or retailer. For all we know it could have been a lurker who has never created an account and is seen as GUEST.
BTW I personally don't think it should get to the point where vendors/retailers can not see GB threads. I think it fosters a sense of competiveness and that's a part of business. But I'm not a Mod and they make the final decision on all matters in the Nuthouse.
Originally Posted by poker
Although I understand, I dont think they're just whining or trying to ruin it for anyone. I tend to think it has more to do with them trying to conduct a business, and sometimes these group buys allow the organizer to sell something at a lower price point than the retailer can justify doing.
I can understand trying to conduct a business...I really do. But if you really want to move merchandise and want to get your name out there why not start by doing a GB. It moves merchandise out of your inventory, it produces some revenue(maybe not what expected but more than it did sitting in inventory) and you start being recognized in the community AS LONG AS no shady business is pulled.
Originally Posted by loki
which is the point of the group buy in the first place. The GB price isn't permanent, they almost always have an end date and have limited numbers to them. A retailer needs to shut up, suck it up and move on with life for a few weeks till the buy ends.
Or they can set up a GB and be the total opposite of whining or complaining.
Originally Posted by hscmit
sorry to hear this happened
hope your group buy will be able to continue and those involved can still get a good deal
thank you for your work on behalf of the forum to organize and negotiate these past, present, and future
Thanks but this isn't going to stop me from doing a GB when possible for the BOTL and SOTL on here. I'm planning some other ones as well.
Originally Posted by markem
Shady dealings from anyone who hopes to foster good will at CA.
I agree with you 100%.