Thread: Newbie Piper!
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Old 02-14-2011, 09:51 PM   #1
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Default Newbie Piper!

Hey guys!

Cigar smoker here but i just got a pipe and did the first break-in smoke today and i like it!

Been lurking in the pipe forum for a few weeks learning all i can and went through a few sites posted at the website resources thread.

I got a Bjarne Viking Classic pipe and a tin of Dunhill Royal Yacht. I'm trying to quit smoking cigarettes right now and trying to convert into just cigars and pipes and it looks like the Dunhill Royal Yacht can curb my cravings without inhaling!

Oh and a question, I know a pipe needs rest, but while i still have one pipe right now im gonna smoke it multiple times a day everyday, do you guys think it will be okay smoking it like that till i get another pipe or two next month?

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