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Old 02-11-2011, 09:00 PM   #55
Equal opportunity Bomber
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TBone is a jewel in the roughTBone is a jewel in the roughTBone is a jewel in the rough
Default Re: Stupid knows no bounds.

so your not the sharpest knife in the draw...I did even worse than this.

I had a total hip replacement at the 27 Oct. When I got home dosed out of my mind I put my daily pill box together. Not realizing my Prilosec and my Lyrica is a half shade different from each other and that I was out of the Prilosec I went ahead dosed myself from 75 mg to 625 mg. You say no big deal well Prilosec is for my ulsers and the Lyrica is for my Fibro Myalgia. Lyrica works on the central nervous system. On 2 Nov I lost motor control and speech. I had my wife take me to a Level 1 Trauma center around the corner from my house...remember I just had major surgery...I get to the hospital and they can't figure out whats going on because after 9 attempts of drawing blood and 5 attempts of an IV the hospital decided I was having a nervous break down and gave me not one but two shots of Dilauded (a synthetic Morphene) It put me down for about two hours and when I came to, I was in more distress then before. I had my wife get me into a Hyundai Elantra (of which I can't bend down to get in) and drive me to the Military faciility that did my surgery. Upon arrival my wife handed them my pill box and within minutes determined I was in a low dose OD with the Lyrica and with the Dilauded that the Level 1 trauma gave me put me into a full blown OD. It took them 17 sticks to find a vein and on the 18th they went into my Carotid artery on the right side because they had blown the right. I heard from the Doc if she couldn't get the right they were running a line through the armpit. I was in the hospital about 15 hrs and had to have the hip realigned as it dislocated getting into the car. But as you can see the bets made of me not making it were a loss and I was politely told by the Medical staff who know me well....your an idiot for trying to put your pills together toasted...So I understand your issue well Scott..glad to hear your doing better...Good to know I'm not in a club by myself...
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