Originally Posted by tobii3
Meh, no worries Scott. I work with some guys that make you look like Einstein.
(The following actually occurred on an Airborne Operation)
Soldier: "This is my first jump in the unit...which way do we go?"
Sergeant: "(pointing at the open tailgate) You go OUT THAT BIG F*CKING HOLE!"
Soldier: "I meant once we get out of the aircraft Sergeant"
Sergeant: "YOU GO DOWN JACKA$$"
Now, while teaching a civilian SCUBA class, we had a blonde that kept flipping out underwater during training...so we're curious as to why she's going psycho underwater...
She comes up to the surface, sputtering and coughing, and says:
""Every time I breathe I get air in my mouth"
Scott, you have a LONG way to go to surpass the mental retardation of some of the "geniuses" I have worked with!
Hey, you want me to send you the recipe for my wife's Banana Bread? The stuff is awesome! 
This is the funniest thing I have read in a LONG time. Almost as bad as a buddy of mine, his dad told me this story and counted it as true.
He and another soldier was flying in a KC-10 he was a boom operator and if I remember correctly the soldier was in training. On approaching the airfield, at 8000 feet or more in the air you know sizes on the ground can be distorted.... maybe.....?
after flying over the run way and circling for final approach
Soldier: Which way do we land?
Friend's Dad: (looking dumbfounded) What do you mean?
Soldier: Do we land on the width of the runway or the length of it?
Friend's Dad: (stone cold poker face) The length.