Originally Posted by DougBushBC
Great to see a ton of Eagles here. I got my eagle when I was 16 in 2000. As above snagged a few palms before 18. Was Order of the Arrow and Vigil as well.
I built ~50 hand constructed "street signs" and installed them on the seawalls throughout our community to help identify which canals met with which streets. It was a hell of a lot of work (close to 1500 man hours) and our town named me community leader of the year that year for it as well.
I miss scouting a TON, when I went away for college I lost track of it all and haven't gotten back involved in the 5 years since I have been home. I really need to try harder on that one.
I was inducted into the Order of the Arrow but never made Eagle. I shouldn't have quit.
It's Pinewood Derby time for my son this month. Looking forward to helping with his first car.