Thread: The Super Bowl
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Old 02-06-2011, 04:25 PM   #1
Suck It
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Default The Super Bowl

It should be against the Law for a person like Christina Aguillera to sing the national anthem.
Song stylings have no place in that song. She even got the words wrong. I think she is hot,
no doubt about her sexiness, but that's just a shame.

Lea Michelle did a much better job with America the Beautiful, but why can't people ever get the fact
that it's "Purple mountain's majesty" not purple mountain majesties. They can pick up on every subtle
nuance of Brittney Spears' songs on Glee, but when it comes to iconic American music, they fall victim
to the most common errors. That said, I'd pay cash money to be the meat between two slices of their bread.
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