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Old 02-06-2011, 01:37 AM   #1
Cigar & Beer Geek
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Cool Put a Bid on a Cigar Business on eBay..

Figure cant go wrong with 20 bucks. (If i Get it for 20 or less)

but Found this Deal on eBay its a turn-Key Cigar/Humidor Online Business. You run the site, and all purchases are handled though a dropship company. I talked to the company selling it. and They showed me a price list for Profit and such and I compared some prices around to see if this would work..

And Most everything depending on how much profit I wanna make I can sell most everything for a couple bucks cheaper than Famous Smokes and CI. And Still make a small profit.. Nothing crazy.

I dunno Seemed like something fun to maybe get into but it may turn more into a big headache. So I figure for 20 bucks why not I can always shut it down if it gets to be more of a hassle than its worth lol

So anyways look for me to be running a site soon (if I win the bid) I'll see how it goes. Maybe do a CA Promo Code and have you all test it out for me haha

The One thing i dont like about it is the Domain Name it comes with. Its pretty lame so I gotta come up with something else. isnt gonna fly I dont think.
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