Thread: eagle scouts
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Old 02-05-2011, 05:15 PM   #23
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Default Re: eagle scouts

I got my Eagle around 1958 or 59, can't remember for sure. We had a very active troop when I lived in Kansas City. I had 48 merit badges. I went to camp in the Ozarks. We didn't have "projects" in those days.

My dad was also an Eagle and a Scoutmaster and received the "Silver Beaver" award.

I still have my dad's sash and Eagle badge but, I've never found mine. I'm afraid it got thrown away when we moved from KC to Nebraska.

I had two daughters so was never involved in Boy Scouts. Recently, I went through all of the "stuff" required to become a merit badge counselor for our local troops here in Wyoming. I'm going to do backpacking, fly fishing, aviation and geocaching.

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