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Old 02-01-2011, 09:02 PM   #37
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Fausto by Tatuaje

Originally Posted by wayner123 View Post
So was that an evolution of your own tastes or his production quality?
I'll chime in on the RP thing since I used to really like what RP had to offer but I think his consistency is just non existent lately. Again just my opinion but I think he has too many lines going on at once and the consistency of his lines suffer from it. What I usually tell guys is if you find a Rocky stick you like load up on as many boxes as your budget allows as it may be very likely that it will be a different animal in a few months. There is no need to introduce so many lines in a short period of time to stay relevent. I think to stay on top in the industry you need to find a happy medium. Too few new lines/blends people will lose interest. Introduce too many in a short span and some people will get pissed. I think a manufacturer needs to find a middle ground to keep both sides happy.
At least when talking about Pete he always offers a high quality stick that most of the masses enjoy and being limited on most the consistency is a moot point because it's a short run and so far the staple lines have not seemed to be effected. Let's hope he or Pepin don't allow things to get to a RP point which I doubt as Pete seems to passionate about his craft to let the staple lines go to hell. It does get frustrating always being in the hunt but it is what it is and rather than let it get you annoyed too much you can just do what I have done with his stuff and stop going nuts trying to hunt down every new LE. I recently decided I would pick and choose what I would hunt down. For example the SODO sparked zero interest from me as it was said to be a shorter OR El Triundafor. Got plenty of those so no need to hunt down a shorter stick priced almost the same as the full size. At one point I got kind of annoyed at the constant release of LEs but life is too short to let the small stuff in life bug you. Just pick and choose what you want to get. Yes it would be nice to have them all but sometimes you just have to draw the line and that line will be different for everyone dependent on budget.
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