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Old 01-31-2011, 10:37 AM   #16
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Another f#$&ing Apple discussion; Verizon iphone

I would call and see if you have any additional incentives. VZW called me last week trying to get me to upgrade my phone as I just got my wife a new phone for Christmas. I was thinking about getting the Droid 2 but wanted to see what this new Bionic will look like before jumping the gun which after checking it out I am no longer interested as it is a touch screen keyboard. I am technically not available for an upgrade for some time but for some reason I am now eligible for an early upgrade and will get the promo pricing along with two $50 rebates. I still held off although now I am regretting getting my wife a new phone as the Driod 2 is available as a BOGO (Buy One get One Free).
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