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Old 01-29-2011, 03:14 PM   #1531
Suck It
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

That's sweet Pac, I think you will gain 32 lbs by Fall.

Looks like spare ribs in the morning. It's been many months since I actually smoked spares, been highbrowing it
for so long with the babybacks.

3 racks went in, only one survived intact for the camera. Kind of embarassed
by my smoke ring. All I had was little hickory chips, I like chunks, and I had a technique crisis of sorts. but the ribs
looked fine enough after the trouble. The kid downstairs from me is so spoiled. I foiled up his burgers and
a half a rack of ribs, and he asked me, "So what else are we getting?" I said, "What?" He says, "Is that all
you're cooking?" Lil $hi+.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg ribs jan 29.jpg (82.7 KB, 708 views)
File Type: jpg ribs jan 29 sad smokering.jpg (52.8 KB, 749 views)
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