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Old 01-28-2011, 06:26 AM   #92
The Warden
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Default Re: pistol or cigars?

Originally Posted by Devanmc View Post
The reason behind the safe/need for safety is there will be a little one in the house. Also, being from the north. Im having to argue owning guns with my parents, when i return from the army.
you could keep the magazine separate from the pistol. for example the pistol can be in your night stand in a old cigar box for example and the mag can be under your pillow area between the mattress.

also you can load a spent shell in the chamber of the gun and put it in a good holster by your bed. depending how old the little ones are they most likely cant rack it back to spit the casing and if they pull the trigger nothing will happen.

the best thing to do if i were you is show you kid/s the gun and talk to them about it. tell them if they ever see yours or a gun anywhere that they need to tell you. teach them how dangerous it is and explain the purpose of it. if you can maybe take them to a range so they can see it fire and even let them fire it. the younger you teach them to respect the fire arm the better.

remember kids will be kids if you really wanna get a safe i would just get a small combination style (the ones that have the 3 little wheels like a brief case) you can just leave it a few numbers off so you can access it "quickly"

remember nothing will be quicker that a easy to reach loaded gun but like you said you have to account for the safety of the little ones. if you want a home defense weapon then i would get a 12ga and lock up the pistol.

They aren't going to multiply....burn that b!tch!
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