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Old 01-27-2011, 12:37 PM   #118
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Default Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by Gophernut View Post
Reading all of the posts in this thread, I think we have gotten away from what Clayton was trying to accomplish. His question seemed to me to be what to do with folks you don't know well, but are with them due to an aquaintance. In this case, I think it's perfectly okay to not want to part with a 7-10 dollar stick. I do keep good cheap smokes around for someone who doesn't smoke much. If I know you enjoy cigars, you can pick it out of my humi. If I don't know, I'll do it. Most of the time the newbie doesn't know what they want and will just be thankful for the reccomendation.
If I am in a social setting where there may be the opportunity to smoke cigars, I always bring along a couple of cigars that I would NOW consider yard-gars, but when I first started smoking, they were in heavy rotation. I think most people who just want to try something, probably wont enjoy what I am into now anyways. I liked milder cigars when I started, now into the more full flavored varieties.
So it's more about being prepared for me when I go out somewhere. If I know I'll be with family/friends who enjoy cigars, I will bring a couple along to share that I think they'll like, and a couple of my former favs that won't bother me to see floating in a half a glass of beer. Bothers me more about the beer.
Thank you! You deserve an AAA+++ for getting what, surprisingly, so many others have missed.

Originally Posted by Thammy
For me it depends on who. If they are some random then they pay, unless I have been chatting to them for awhile after meeting and think I can make their day. Other then that I usually give some to fellow cigar friends (and pipe tobacco) for something to bond over and talk about, or let some non smoker friends give it a try(though I restrict it to mild ones for the first time). Also if I stroll down whyte ave and decide to stop at my local tobacconist with a friend, smoker or not I will offer to buy them a cigar for their first time. If I am with a friend and they are sitting outside with me for 2 hours, I would rather them enjoy it as well and maybe nab them into the hobby!

I don't like Cigar snobbery though. One time I simply asked a man outside a concert what kind of cigar he was smoking for I did not recognize the band and wanted to make conversation cause I was alone.. He just shook his head, as if assuming I wanted to mooch it. ( which was not the case!)

Btw, the term moochadore made me LOL in Theology class
My friends at the B&M would tell you I am more generous than most with my sticks. I always have extras to pass to those who appreciate. But as I pointed out, these aren't cigarettes and I think that's where the misunderstanding takes place.
No matter what one's status is in society, cigars are the great equalizer where the affluent and common share a love for the leaf. - Me.

Last edited by cmitch; 01-27-2011 at 12:48 PM.
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