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Old 01-27-2011, 10:41 AM   #18
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Default Re: A southerner's first impressions of Jersey

Originally Posted by floydpink View Post
When I moved to Florida, the first thing I noticed was how much slower the pace seemed and how much nicer the people were.

The only thing I missed was the food, which still remains after 20 something years.

This winter has reminded me that you couldn't drag me back to New Jersey in a straightjacket.

Aside from the weather, the overall materialistic attitudes and generally glum feeling for half of the year made my soul long for something else.

I'm a Yankee by birth and a Southerner by the grace of God.

I approve of this post!

Even though Orlando is harldy a city with any Southern culture left, head up to Gainesville or Ocala and it'll be a little more prevalent
"There is true glory and true honor: the glory of duty done, the honor of integrity and principle" - Robert E. Lee
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