Originally Posted by DivineRight
There is nothing more satisfying than seeing someone discover the enjoyment of a cigar before your eyes.
some smelling like aftershave, others just looking too rough to smoke
first...so nice to see you here...5 posts in a year and i know you have lots more you could add to this forum. too much wisdom and cigar knowledge to be so unspoken about it all.
paragraph#1...logan smoking his first cigar...he enjoyed but maybe too many mojitos to remember.it was a glassy eyed look of satisfaction tho.
paragraph#2...i remember the "aftershave" tainted cigars...still chuckle when i think of them...glad we traded the guy for a sack of pucks to vancouver.
Originally Posted by dvickery
yes i watched someone put down one of my beloved santo coronas with but an inch smoked...maybe i should have given him a milder cigar.
yes that was logan too...it appears chap gave him the better cigar

as he smoked all of it.
sorry if this post makes little sense to anyone else.