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Old 01-26-2011, 11:55 AM   #96
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Default Re: Rant: Cigar Bums

Originally Posted by cmitch View Post
Okay, so I'm a nice guy, at least most of the time. But, often, more times than not, I carry these great sticks with me to enjoy when a not so educated person wants to 'try' one of my sticks. But, you don't 'try' a stick. You 'try' a cigarette. If the stun sucks, you put it out and that's it. Period. But a cigar is different. Palettes are different and flavors often change while smoking a cigar. These ignoramuses think they should try a stick on my investment. Forget that I paid $7 to $10 for the stick, more than they paid for their worthless pack of cigarettes. For some reason, they think I owe them a shot at one of my expensive sticks and they've never smoked a cigar before. I have no problem sharing great smokes with someone who has developed a taste for a fine cigar. But, if someone wants to try a cigar, especially a first time cigar smoker, they need to try it on their own dime.

Free loaders.

Rant over.
I cant say I agree with you as others have pointed out. I dunno. Maybe you should not bring cigars with you wherever that you dont plan to smoke yourself if it bothers you that much.

I personally have given away literally hundreds and hundreds of cigars over the last 20 years, many of which are rare/vintage havanas to friends, family, and to many folks I never met before or met for the first time. Sometimes the cigar I give someone is my last of that particular cigar I may ever see again.

Why? Probably because theres a certain magic that can happen when you give someone something that they have never tried or only dreamed about.
Im not saying you should be more like me or anything like that. What I am saying is that maybe you might need some work in the tolerance of others department. There was a first time for everybody, including everyone here. This includes me (btw: I'm also an ignoramus cigarette smoker).

Cigar Asylum: A cigar board birthed without agendas, without profiting, and without advertisements. Amor puro

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