Originally Posted by OLS
I think that 6 out of 190 is par for the course. Going forward, you will never be happy if you try to find the perfect scenario.
I am not suggesting you let any company that screws you over just get away with it, but rather adjust your idea of a good
transaction to allow for poop happening. I guess it is helpful to know how damaged is damaged? If you are talking about
slightly cracked feet, forget it and move on. Singles do not allow for the normal protection of the cigars in a box.
It's all relative. I'd not only not send them anything, I would not ask them to send me anything either. But that's only me.
I agree and my comments before were not to discredit them but to say that they handled it perfectly except for the mishap with the UPS people. The cigars were torn to crap honestly and a box was dented in but none of those were damaged.
I was afraid of this when I posted the thread. I don't want you guys to think that I am one of those guys who is never happy with what he purchases, especially because I am new here and to cigar smoking for the most part. Honestly, the first part hiccup didn't even bother me that much since, as you guys said, 6 out of 190 is a damn good job. It was just inconvenient but it was resolved in a very timely manner. I just did not like the fact that they had this box listed but did not have it in stock. But I understand they are a large company and mishaps happen so I am not mad at them or think they are a crappy company, I just was wondering what you guys thought and if anyone had similar experiences. Also, since I am so new I am still learning which e-tailers and auction sites are reputable and which ones stink. So in short, please don't take offense to any of this or think that I am a whiner who looks for things to complain about. I just am still learning.