Originally Posted by awsmith4
I need one of those, luckily (or unluckily depending how you look at it) it was 27* the first time Matt and I brewed so cooling down with the ice in a bucket took only like 30mins. While that was fine and all, I don't think that I'll only be brewing in the winter. Great idea to check the scrap yards, I have three or four near me that I'll call.
BTW I liked your post at HBT, I made many of the same observations after our first brew day.
Since I posted about my observations I have had many more. Always learning and spending more money.
The 50' roll of 3/8" weighed 6 pounds and their price was $4.50/pound.
BTW, the reason I left the supply side a little longer was because I wanted to use the "slinky" like behavior of the coil to stir the wort while keeping the lid on reducing the chances of contamination. I'm still trying to find a good way to switch between hose fitting and recirculating pump since I don't want to be recirculating ice water when the wort temperature is still high.