Originally Posted by OLS
As a video professional, I can assert that it does not take 32 reviews to realize a flaw here or there.
BUT I can also state categorically that when a person is too close to the work, the flaws do tend to
fade into the background, cause you are so jazzed by seeing yourself on TV, or web video as the case may be.
If they were reading this, a few tips.
A.) Cut your open down to 15 secs or less. Cute and clever the first time, it's old hat and resembles a
class project.
B.) LIGHTING, LIGHTING, LIGHTING. You should be uncomfortable with the light level and the heat it generates.
Light is there to make your colors POP and make your video tolerable, as well as helping the camera FOCUS.
More light allows auto-setting cameras to settle in on a HQ setting. If you make it work in the dark, grainy
is what you will always get. A few hundred watt light bulbs in unshaded lamp sockets, behind the camera,
high up and bouncing off the walls and ceiling will do it.
C.) Edit your video like some kind of Darfur attack, slicing off whole sections ruthlessly. If it doesn't have to be
in there, cut it. Re-shoot sections of stuttering and stumbling.
I think this site has huge potential, but needs to bring itself out of the middle ages content-wise.
These criticisms are strictly in the best interest of the end product and are in no way designed to embarass.
It's not like they will read it. (they will). hehe.
I will be sure to link this thread to Justin next time I email him as I am sending him some cigars to review. I definitely don't want him to take the wrong message from this and I think that you worded it in a way that would not be offensive. I agree with you that if they cut down the videos and did some editing that their site would really benefit from it. Hell, he might even start making a nice profit off the ad space if it gets enough traffic.