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Old 01-24-2011, 10:07 AM   #10
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Cat-eye: Different kind of cut?

Since I'm from Texas I will add my $.02 ha ha. That is a V-Cut, and to me doesn't look like a very good one. The "Cats Eye" looks like it would be deep enough from the picture of the cutter but I have seen this cutter be used before and the V cut on it isn't deep or wide enough. Also I would never buy a cutter with a single guillotine blade, they just don't do the job very well.

If you want a cheap V cutter that works great get the Wolf V cutter, they go for around $10 or under and it has the best blade you can find for a V cutter. If you want to spend more money Xikar now makes pretty much the same cutter as the Wolf in a metal frame, Xikar VX. Can't go wrong with either one of them.
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