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Old 01-23-2011, 11:42 AM   #365
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Default Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread


Sorry for asking but did you get this information some where or you are guessing its air in your stomach?
The reason I'm asking is, I didnt sleep with my machinre for a while becuase I need to go for a new test. I think the Inhale is to strong, 20.0 (the Exhale is 16.0 ) And its waking me all night. This past week I decided to go back on the machine becuase I feel very week and have a had a bad cold. So i decided I'll try it, it didnt help much, the cold is almost gone but the upset stomach symtoms got even worse. I feel like somethings wrong with my stomach. Not sure if its constipation, viral, who knows what. I eat regular and use the bathroom. But I feel very gasy. I feel like something is really going on. Could it be inhaling air? havnt used the machine for three days.

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Used my new (first) CPAP for the first time last night...and woke up with a problem called aerophagia. It seems I swallowed air all night and filled my intestines up with air. The pain was nasty, and my stomach etc is still all messed up. I am not going to use the machine again until I see the doc in person, sounds like I could do some damage to my colon if I continue with this. F**k.
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