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Old 01-22-2011, 05:05 PM   #4
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Default Re: Size Difference = How Much Smoking Difference?

Depends on the brand. Some Prominentes are blended a little milder to fit the pace of the cigar. It also depends on how much time you are willing to dedicate to smoking. Are you always going to have 2+ hrs to smoke? If not, you might want to stick to the robusto and light up a second if you have the time and desire for more smoking when you're done. Otherwise, you might find yourself pitching the second half of the prominente when the time is short. While I love the size, I find I don't have the time and occasion for a prominente more than a few times a year.
EDIT, I didn't realize the "prominente" in the brand your were contemplating was just a fatter robusto, in that case there is going to be minimal difference beside the smoking time.
"Eventually, however, every ash must drop. And the drop usually is as sudden as it is final."
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