Originally Posted by massphatness
Wayne - without going into specifics - could you help educate the newer guys on your thinking here?
No problem. The main reason is because Heygal is watching. Trust me, each and every transaction goes through their software and they have measures in place to track these things. I have had friends lose literally thousands over this and even smaller "issues".
Gift method is just that. It's a gift. If you are purchasing something then you should pay the fees. That's simple business. It is NOT a loophole. They are 2 different things and that is the way Heygal sees them as well.
Too many "gifts" will get flagged. To receive the number of payments in a usual GB you must have a business account. This allows you some lower fees (sadly, not much lower). If you have a business account and get a lot of gifts to it, trust me, it gets looked at very closely. They will shut it down quick and since they are not a bank, the likely hood of getting the money that's in there is very slim.