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Old 01-13-2011, 06:21 PM   #17
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Default Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?

Originally Posted by nick2021 View Post
Haven't been on the auctioneer but CBid will have good prices every now and then...lately, it seems like the last couple of items I bid on other people would come and overbid...more than what it would cost from another online store.
Yeah, I agree. People get crazy on c**d. Especially the singles. People end up paying over retail because they get caught up in the excitement, I guess.
That happens as well at auctioneer, but not as much. I also think that c**d keeps pushing the same sticks over and over again. Whereas, the other one has more variety. Plus, it provides the option to see what past auctions went for giving you an idea of its auction worth.
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