Moo has definitely guided many a newbie by the hand into the wonderful world of roasting, including myself.
It's changed the way I look at coffee and consider it almost a ritual and education.
When I began, I got a lot of info from coffeegeek where I read a lot and posted very little.
Being unsure of whether or not it would be for me, I started small with a Freshroast8, which allowed me to air roast enough for a couple days worth of coffee.
Immediately, I noticed the difference and knew it would be something I would enjoy.
The Freshroast gave me easy and predictable results, but I found that roasting every couple days was getting to be more work than fun so I moved up to a Behmor drum roaster, where I 've been for a year and a half.
I love this roaster and it didn't break the bank. It also allows me to rast 3/4 pounds at a time.

my personal journey.