Originally Posted by Tio Gato
Hi Jeff, it's so cool that you want to get into cooking.
I have some go-to recipes that I do well, but reading some of the threads here I realize I'm still smoking my Swisher Sweets on the golf course...
Bookmarked, thanks!
The most important thing about cooking is learning techniques, not recipes. If you can learn to braise, saute, bake, roast, grill, smoke, boil, etc. you can cook anything without a recipe. Send me a PM with your addy and I'll send you a technique book or two. Mmm food
Very cool of you to offer, Jeff. PM sent your way.
Originally Posted by csbrewfisher
This is the place. It's a subscription site, but well worth it. Equipment reviews, tons of how-to vids and of course recipes.
America's Test Kitchen and Cook's Country are part of our default Saturday afternoon PBS cooking show block if we have no other plans. We've bought a few items based on their equipment reviews.
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