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Old 01-11-2011, 02:55 PM   #2
Tio Gato
Uncle Kitty
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Default Re: Cooking/Grilling & Gadgets forums?

Hi Jeff, it's so cool that you want to get into cooking. My bride of 17 years can't cook anything, but I think she's faking.

The website has multiple sites about grilling and smoking. Searching for food blogs will yield some good results.

The most important thing about cooking is learning techniques, not recipes. If you can learn to braise, saute, bake, roast, grill, smoke, boil, etc. you can cook anything without a recipe. Send me a PM with your addy and I'll send you a technique book or two. Mmm food
"You stink like cigars Uncle Kitty!" Said my Boo age 3.
"Kid, take care of your family and the hell with anyone else" My Grandpa Bubba.
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