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Old 01-07-2011, 07:24 AM   #26
The Nightman Cometh...
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Default Re: Newest Member of the Family!!

Thanks for the comments everyone...I'll be sure to keep this updated.

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
Great Danes are wonderful dogs, they're 150+ lb lapdogs. I still miss my old Dane. He'd walk up to you when you were on the couch and bump you with his head then step back and look at you. Then he'd do it again. Then take about two steps backwards and to the side, jump, bounce off the wall, slide right down between you and the back cushions on the couch, effectively ejecting you into the middle of the living room floor, then he'd just look at you with his eyes saying "What? I just asked you twice to move..."

I remember having to childproof all the cabinets. And that not even stopping him. He's bust right through the little plastic press-down lock things to get into a cabinet full of cans. I guess he thought he could figure out a way to open them. lol.

And the big sloppy doggie kisses they try and slap you with...

Best thing I ever did for my guy was get him on the diet program from Burt Ward (yes, that Burt Ward, "Robin" from the Batman TV series). Who has sunk a ton of funding into research on scientific diets and what exercise programs for Danes are best and his dogs are getting almost double the expected lifespans, my buddy made it to about 16, which was great for a dog his size (170 something).
That's incredible!! I'll have to look into that diet. I have him on Canidae right now which our family has used for years with great success. He had his first vet visit, and the vet tells us "you should really have him on Science Diet". I wanted to just tell to shut the hell up and examine my dog.

He's been such a loving dog lately, and I've grown up with oversized lap dogs my whole life, so a Dane was a perfect fit for us.

I may be picking your brain via PM if you don't mind...

Originally Posted by Mugen910 View Post
when can I come over and play with the puppy!?!
You know your always welcome at my place...hell, you're usually there before I get home from work...alone...with my wife. Wait a minute...I don't know if you can come over anymore Bao...

Originally Posted by massphatness View Post
New puppy herf?

Who's bringing a penguin.
Count me in...I've been craving a herf...

Originally Posted by Wanger View Post
Awesome, Jim! We have one ourselves. We call Dudley "horsedog". He's about 175lbs. He's a complete Wuss and afraid of his own shadow. But one bark would scare just about any would be thief off. He thinks he's the size of a chihuahua, and tries to sit on the couch or your lap!!!
I was amazed with the power of the bark of the breeders Danes. They weren't yappy at all...just one or two wall shaking barks. This guys is definitely a snugler...especially with my wife. He thinks he's in charge of the cats, but all it takes is a quick combo from one of them and he comes hauling back to hide between my feet.
I hope you brought a change of clothes because your eyes are about to piss tears.
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