Great News!!!
I had 2 great things happen today that I had to share with you all. Let me preface it by saying it has been a pretty rough year, as it has been for a lot of people. Loss of job end of last January & loss of transportation last April among other things.
I had to take a job at something other than What I'm experienced and trained at. I'm very appreciative of having a job in this economy and approached as I always do and worked reliably and to the best of my ability. The owner called me into the office today, handed me 2 envelopes, one being my paycheck, and told me I would be getting a 50 cent per hour raise starting with my next paycheck. He told me the other one was a bonus for the year. It is enough to cover some things that need to be paid and get me started at least on getting transportation sooner than i was expecting.
Thank the Lord!
Last edited by CBI_2; 01-05-2011 at 08:18 PM.