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Old 01-05-2011, 06:47 PM   #424
Still Watching My Back
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Default Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermeter?

DIPA is about to go in the fermenter.


Black IIPA
Extra Stout
Irish Red
Kentucky Common

Then a massive RIS. Then a bunch of sours/lambics. Plan to blend a Gueze in a few years. Going to replicate everything as close as possible. Oak dowels with a surface area to liquid volume ratio similar to what the big oak barrel fermenters are. I'm going to try different fermentations too. One will be cherries added for spontaneous fermentation. I'm pretty pumped. Too bad they won't be ready for a looong time.

Then a Belgian Dark Strong when it gets warmer, since I want to start at 68*F and ramp up to 84*F and then back down. Also an Imperial Smoked Porter and Saison at some point. Soooooo much to brew.

Also I just helped my girl friend brew a Belgian Golden Strong Ale that is bubbling away like crazy in my room. I'm kind of excited to try it. Used a tiny bit of late hop additions of Challenger and Centennial - not to style, but who gives a ****. Sounds good to us. Belgian Strong Ale yeast, trying to keep it at 70*F.
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