Originally Posted by kaisersozei
Holy crap, that's a lot of specialty malt!
I've never used this yeast, interesting strain. Did you have to add any nutrients or do anything different when you pitched to avoid a stuck fermentation?
Yeah, I took the last competition note of "not malty enough" seriously.
I aerated like there was no tomorrow and added slightly more nutrient than I normally do.
I was worried at first (like I always do) 'cause it took a full 48 hours before any visible signs of fermentation arrived.
The White Labs site says to add wort in steps with the higher gravity coming after fermentation has begun, but I just pitched.
Hell, I didn't even make a starter. I do, however , have an inline aerator in my pump line that I use to transfer from the kettle to the carboy. It was a nice, frothy transfer.... looked yummy!

I also aerated again after transfer.
I didn't even eff around with this one either... the blow off went on right away... and within 6 hours of visible fermentation it was using it!