vinotemp fans
Needing some help here. My vinotemp started making some noise a couple months ago, and it would appear that the fan that blows inside is the culprit. I took all the cigars out and took it to my shop and took the cover off the back and used my air compressor to blow all the dust out and also the fan that blows inside. I have had it start making noise again and took it apart more today and the fan doesn't appear to be binding or anything. Anyhow I wrote down the fan info and it's Rulian Science RDL9025S DC 12v .16 amp. Where do i get these. I looked on the vino website and the part to replace the whole cooling unit (not sure if the three fans come with that or not) is only $30.00 but they are on backorder. Has anyone here ever replaced the cooling unit on a vino? Or have you replaced the fans? Where can I get them from? The heat sink fans have a weird shroud that attaches it to the sink. thanks if you can help.