Originally Posted by SvilleKid
I was a Braves' fan for decades, but had to give up on them. Just got tired of the team roster changing every 3 months, and no longer knowing who was who or where they played. Just wasn't worth the $hit that John Schuerholzput the team and fans thru with the constant trading. Now, though they are the closest MLB team to me, and I have more Braves memorabilia than any other team, I just don't give a crap anymore. Which is sad, given the level of my past enjoyment of Braves baseball!
I only follow a little since my cousin is married to one of the players. Went and watched a game last August and had some great seats behind home plate. She's done a great job hooking me up with tickets over the years. The stadium is nice, but nowadays, all of them are.
I'm the same way with Purdue football as you are with Braves baseball. Isn't apathy a wonderful thing?