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Old 01-02-2011, 02:32 PM   #89
formerly illinoishoosier
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Default Re: Fantasy Football time!

1) illinoishoosier.............Humidor Raiders
2) andysutherland..........Panther's Rejects
3) BryanB.........BryanB
4) SaltyMcGee.............Purple Dranks
5) WyGuy............Minnesota Mistakes
6) TheStatsGuy....Masshole Herfers

Ok fellas, will announce the winner as soon as it has been decided. Still missing a few of you on this list above, if you could, add your team name and CA name so we can PM you with shipping details.

Same as last year, winner will be announced. winner will then PM all other team owners with shipping info. Team owners will then ship 5 sticks to winner.

Winner will post periodic updates here, so we can keep track who has and has not paid up.

Communication is the key. If something gets in the way, or you are unable to keep your obligation, let me and the winner know.

Thanks for playing. Next year we will make changes to some things, and I am sure Yahoo will also have some changes for us as well.
"Maybe I'm wrong, when they tell me they're right…..naaaaahhhhhh, I'm an asshooooooleeee"--Denis Leary
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