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Old 01-01-2011, 07:44 PM   #22
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Default Re: Worst Opus I've Ever Had

I can't justify the price point on Lost City, but
Holts had some OpusX Magnum O yesterday.

I haven't heard of the Magnum O before, but it
was a large ring gauge, maybe a double robusto.
Possibly a 60 rg robusto size. Longer than a Nub.

I smoked one, and brought the other home to rest.
It was very good. Also picked up the last Puddycat
in the display case.

Lots of WOAMs at msrp, but I cleaned out their Hemi
Signature Rosados instead.

No limits on anything, including Anejos, which is unusual for Holts.

Can vegans eat animal crackers?

Last edited by Chemyst; 01-01-2011 at 07:48 PM. Reason: spelling changed to please the censor
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