Originally Posted by Trumpet
So I have a 58 qt. Coolerdoor. At Hearfelt's recommendation I have two, four ounce tubes of 65% beads in there. Anyway, they're about 4 years old now, and I thought of replacing/upgrading. How are the "Shiala" beads different? Should I stick with the HF beads? Should I get more or am I ok with the 8 oz.?
How do your cigars smoke?
Fine? Then don't worry about it, no reason to change or add more.
Recently "not fine"? Did something external change? Did you do something that might have changed the dynamics in the cooler (like drastically more or less cedar boxes or cigars)? Have your tastes changed?
Never "fine"? Are you sure you aren't chasing a "grass is greener on the other side" situation? Why would you wait 4 years to deal with poor humidification.
Originally Posted by Trumpet
Would it be OK to buy some Shiala beads to "help out" with the HF beads, or is mixing the beads like dividing by zero?
I would pose that question to Scott or Michael directly. There are some differences between them, and I can't remember Scott's answer the last time that question was asked.