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Old 12-31-2010, 12:34 AM   #22
The Warden
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Default Re: Quick Question about B&M's

Originally Posted by colinb913 View Post
Alright, well what if I were to go to the BM just to buy say a new cutter? I mean, like I said I haven't been carded when buying chew before, so apparently I seem over-age. If no one asked me how old I was if I did smoke, how would anyone think to report them?
I understand that you just want to hang out and get to know people but it's the what if's that you need to think about.

Realistily will you get caught... Prob not

Will they card you .... Maybe

Is it ok to got a new cutter.... Sure but what is wrong with getting one on the net. It will prob come out cheaper anyways.

It's your call man. I just look at it as a repect thing. I know that if inwas a b&m owner and found out now or even later on down the road that a underage guy was coming to my store knowing he shouldn't be there would prob tick me off a bit.

Like has been said do what you want. If you think you will be ok and they will just you stand around and bring your own sticks and smoke then that's fine. If you think they might I'd you and kick you out then stay home.

Remember in the end it's your choice on what you wanna do.
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