12-30-2010, 11:29 AM
Not a puffer
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Duane
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Posts: 2,869
Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops
Originally Posted by hammondc
Eh....it is not as bad as a lot of folks make it out to be. BUT....I only play on Xbox360
-Smaller maps keep the Snipers a bay
-no quick scoping
-Killstreaks kills do not count for future killstreaks
-I like the COD 'money' system
-Wager matches
-The extended reach knifing has been eliminated.
-No exploits. At least, when/if they are found, Treyarch patches it quickly
-Very little noobtubing.
- HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the 'Second Chance' perk. There is no way that after I cut someone in half with a Galil and them have them hit the ground, they get a one shot kill with a handgun. Way overpowered and there is no way to balance it. Essentially, if some one is running it, you have to kill them twice
-Maps are getting boring.
-Joining a match with a large party is still SOMETIMES difficult. Every once in a while, the party will get kicked from a lobby before the game begins. It is rare and seems to be getting better
Is there a possibility that the multiplayer issues are more exclusive of PS3 than XBOX?